๐Ÿง Memory Stack

What is the Memory Stack?

The Memory Stack is a collection of all the individual memory blocks created from your uploads. These blocks represent the data and information you've added to your Personal AI through uploads like messages, documents, or account integrations. Over time, this collection grows and becomes the foundation of your AI's performance.

Key Features

Persona-Specific Memory Stacks

  • Focused View for Each Persona: When working within a specific persona, the Memory Stack will only display memory blocks tied to that persona. This gives you a clear view of the information relevant to each persona without mixing in other personas' data.

  • Unified View for Primary Persona: By switching to your Primary Persona, you can see the entire collection of memory blocks across all personas. This is especially useful if you want a comprehensive view of all the data your AI has learned.

Building Your AI's Knowledge

  • Memory Blocks from Uploads: Each memory block stems from an upload you've made. This can be a message, a document, an integration, or any other form of content youโ€™ve added. These blocks are stored and organized in the Memory Stack, creating a personalized dataset for your AI.

  • Continuous Learning: The more you add to your Memory Stack, the smarter and more tailored your AI becomes. The information within the Memory Stack helps your AI recall relevant details, make connections, and assist you in more meaningful ways.

Exploring Your Memories

You can browse and explore all your recorded memories within the Memory Stack page of your Personal AI. It's a visual representation of everything your AI has learned, organized and filtered by persona for easy navigation.

Last updated