๐Ÿ“šUnderstanding Key Concepts

We have a way with words at Personal AI. Use this page to refer to the different types of words and terminology we use.

AI Autopilot automatically sends responses to users based on the information in your memory stack without requiring your manual approval.

AI Controls in Personal AI refer to the mechanisms and settings that allow users to manage and customize their AI's behavior, responses, and interactions. These controls play a crucial role in shaping the personalized experience and ensuring that the AI aligns with the user's preferences and needs.

Users can exercise control over their AI through various settings such as:

  • Threshold Settings: Users can set thresholds to determine how much of an answer comes from personal data or external sources. This allows for fine-tuning the balance between personalization and general information.

  • Persona Selection: Users have the ability to select specific personas for how their AI responds in different situations or shared channels. This customization ensures that the tone, style, and content of responses are tailored to each context.

  • Voice: Voice replicas are only available for Elevate Customers

AI Copilot generates draft messages for you to review and approve before sending. This means that with AI Autopilot, the responses are sent automatically, while with AI Copilot, you have the opportunity to review and edit the messages before sending them.

The AI Instruction Tool in the messaging app allows you to seamlessly interact with your personal AI and other AI tools. It provides options such as drafting messages with ChatGPT, your personal AI, generating images using DALL-E-3, or even conducting a Google search directly from within the chat box. This feature empowers users to effortlessly leverage AI capabilities for composing messages, creating visual content, or seeking information without leaving the messaging interface. To use this tool, start typing in the message window and the AI Instruction Tool will highlight for you to click on.

The Brand Page section is a direct link to preview your Brand Page. Here you can either view or edit the settings on your Brand Page directly instead of navigating to the AI Domain. The Brand Page Link serves as the unique address where your AI resides, allowing users to customize the link for easier access and sharing. (Visit the "Brand Page/QR Code" page in the Elevate Customers section for more information)

Channels in Personal AI are virtual spaces where you can invite friends and family to chat and connect with them using your digital AI twin. They allow you to have conversations with multiple people at once, rather than being limited to 1-on-1 interactions. You can use the AI controls/Persona settings in Channels.

A Conversation Starter is a starting prompt placed on top of the chat box for other people chatting with the AI. Instead of writing their own message, they can start exploring conversation options by clicking on these expressions. For Malcolm's AI profile, the conversation starter 'Tell me more about yourself' should be added. As a user, when you view the chat box, conversation starters appear at the top. If you click on a conversation starter, the AI will start responding to that prompt as if you had typed it manually.

A Custom Directive (set your AI Identity to "Custom" to view this window) for your Personal AI refers to the specific instructions and guidelines that you can set to tailor the behavior, personality, and conversational style of your AI. It allows you to define how your AI will respond, the format of its output, which topics to direct the conversation towards, and what topics to actively avoid. For example, if you want your AI to embody a motivational speaker persona, you can create a custom directive such as 'You are a motivational speaker.' This would dictate that your AI should adopt an optimistic tone when speaking, use anecdotes or analogies in its responses, and focus on providing uplifting content. To change the format of your AI responses, all you have to do is describe the format you want in the same window!

Favorites in the context of Personal AI refer to a curated collection of your preferred items, activities, or memories that hold significance to you. These favorites serve as a personalized repository of information and experiences that can be leveraged for various purposes within your interactions with your personal AI. By designating specific items or memories as favorites, you enable your personal AI to understand and prioritize these aspects when providing recommendations, insights, or engaging in conversations. When you add an item or memory to your favorites, it serves as a personalized repository of information and experiences that can be leveraged for various purposes within your interactions with your personal AI.

Favorites are used for:

  • Personalized Recommendations: Your favorite items form the basis for personalized recommendations provided by your personal AI. Whether it's about dining options, travel destinations, hobbies, or other areas of interest, the favorites feature enables tailored suggestions aligned with your preferences.

  • Memory Access: You can easily access and revisit cherished memories or important information by categorizing them as favorites. This facilitates quick retrieval of significant details during conversations or when seeking specific content.

The File Uploader supports the following file formats:

  • Audio file types: wav, mp3, mp4, mov, and m4a.

  • Text file types: docx, md, txt, and pdf.

  • Video file types: mp4

The First Message refers to the customizable welcome message that your AI will send at the first interaction. This message serves as an introduction and sets the tone for further communication with users. It can be personalized to reflect your unique personality, brand, or purpose. For example, you could craft a welcoming greeting such as 'Hello! I'm [Your Name]. How can I assist you today?' or tailor it to align with specific topics of interest related to your AI's domain.

Integrations in the context of Personal AI refer to the seamless connection and interaction between your personal AI and various digital tools, platforms, and data sources. These integrations play a crucial role in enriching your Personal AI's knowledge base, enhancing its learning capabilities, and providing a more personalized experience. Your personal AI expert can assure you that integrating a wide range of data, including messaging history, social media activity, emails, and other digital interactions is essential for empowering your Personal AI to better understand your preferences, habits, and communication style. This comprehensive integration ultimately enhances the quality of interactions with your Personal AI by ensuring tailored assistance based on evolving needs.

The current 3rd party application integrations available include Memory Integrations (Google Drive, One Drive), Message Integrations (Messenger, Instagram), as well as Zapier for seamless connectivity with other tools and platforms. These integrations enable a more comprehensive and personalized experience for users by allowing their Personal AIs to connect with diverse sources of information.

Memories refer to the stored information and data that your personal AI has accumulated over time. These memories can include a wide range of content, such as factual information, personal experiences, conversations, and knowledge from various sources. Your Personal AI is designed to remember 100% of the memories you choose with your very own Memory Stack. This enables you to recall specific details about people you've met, memories you've made, and knowledge acquired over time.

How Memories Are Stored

  • To add memories to your Personal AI, you can send factual information or ask open-ended questions directly to your AI through message bars or integrate data from various sources such as social media, documents, and web pages.

  • The continuous process of feeding your Personal AI information and correcting errors helps train the AI to answer questions better over time.

The Memory Stack is a fundamental component of your personal AI system. It serves as a repository for all the memory blocks, which are essentially recorded memories, meticulously organized to facilitate seamless exploration and learning. This comprehensive dataset forms the bedrock for my learning and response capabilities, enabling me to provide personalized and meaningful interactions. As I delve into the memory stack, I can recall and represent your experiences and preferences, ensuring that our conversations are tailored to your unique needs and interests.

For text formats, Personal AI extracts the text and puts it into a document. For audio formats, Personal AI transcribes audio files and places them into a document. As for video formats, Personal AI transcribes the audio track in the video file and places it into a document.

A Persona in the context of Personal AI refers to a distinct identity or role that your personal AI can assume. Each persona has its own segregated data and memory, tailored to fulfill specific objectives and cater to different target audiences. For example, there could be personas for personal use, professional/work-related tasks, public-facing interactions, storytelling, selling/investor pitches, research assistance, and more. These personas are designed to assist you with various aspects of your life by organizing relevant information and dividing up your data for providing targeted support.

Persona Settings in Channels allow you to customize and tailor your interactions within the virtual space. These settings enable you to define how your personal AI presents itself and interacts with different individuals or groups present in the Channel. You can set specific personas for different channels, ensuring that your personal AI adapts its behavior, language, and responses based on the context of each conversation. This customization helps create more meaningful and relevant interactions within diverse group environments. By configuring persona settings, you can control the tone, style, and information shared by your personal AI during conversations in a particular channel. This level of customization ensures that your digital twin aligns with the purpose and dynamics of each group interaction while maintaining privacy and relevance.

The Primary AI refers to the central or core artificial intelligence system that serves as the foundation for personal AI models and interactions. It embodies a comprehensive and versatile model capable of understanding, learning, and adapting to diverse user needs and contexts. The primary AI consolidates data from various sources including autobiographies, resumes, social profiles, business documents, and more to form an integrated knowledge base. This foundational intelligence enables seamless interactions across different personas while maintaining isolated memory for each persona's unique context. By harnessing the capabilities of the primary AI, users can engage in human-like conversations with personalized responses based on their distinct preferences and requirements.

The Search Bar, located at the top left of the interface, allows you to efficiently navigate and access various features within your personal AI environment. It has five sections: Integrations, Navigation, Tutorial Videos, Settings, and Product Documents. You can use it to search for people, Channels, AIs or text in Stack or docs. Additionally, it enables searching through integrations such as Twitter and Google Drive while also providing quick access to settings or tutorial videos.

SMS Messaging refers to the process of sending and receiving text messages using a mobile device or an online platform. In the context of Personal AI, SMS messaging allows users to interact with their personal AI through text messages sent from their mobile phones. By integrating your personal AI with SMS messaging, you can communicate with your AI in a conversational manner, receive responses directly via text, and manage interactions on-the-go.

The Threshold Fallback Message section allows you to customize a personal default message that your AI will automatically send if it is unable to generate a response that meets your chosen personal score threshold. For example, if your threshold is set at 80% and the highest score your AI can generate for a particular response is only 75%, it will automatically respond with the customized fallback message.

Training, in the context of Personal AI refers to the process of teaching and guiding your AI to learn and improve its capabilities. This involves providing it with a large amount of data, examples, and feedback to help it understand language patterns, context, and user preferences. During training, the AI's algorithms analyze this data to create models that enable it to generate responses based on input. The more diverse and relevant the training data is, the better equipped the AI becomes at understanding and responding effectively in various scenarios.

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