๐ฉEmail Integration Instruction
Email Integration Instruction
Click on one of the links under the "Drafting Emails" section for either Gmail or Outlook, depending on which email service you use.
Log in to Zapier if prompted
The link will take you to a drafted "Zap" for either Gmail or Outlook. Zaps are the automated workflows that connect your apps to your personal AI. We will use these to sign in to your accounts and integrate them to personal AI
Click on "Try this Zap" which will take you to the Zap draft page
STEP 1: The first step of the Zap is the trigger step. Click on it. Here we will build a trigger, which is the method used to identify when we want your AI to respond to something.
Under the "App and Event" section, use the dropdown arrow under "Event" to choose the trigger you want. For example, selecting "New Flagged Email" under the event section will allow you to flag which emails you want the AI to respond to. If you are using Gmail, you can select "New Starred Email" to achieve the same function.
Sign in to your email account under the "Account" section
Click "Test". After a few moments, you should see the examples that the trigger identified on the right hand side of the Zap. This test is just to make sure your trigger is working properly, nothing is happening quite yet
*THIS STEP IS ONLY FOR OUTLOOK INTEGRATION* Please skip to step 2 if you are using Gmail.
If you are using the Zap for outlook, your second step should be "Remove HTML Tags". This is just a text formatter that Zapier uses for Outlook integrations, but it is important that we complete this step.
Open the App and Event section. Make sure "Text" is selected under the "Event" section.
Open the Action section. Under "Transform" make sure that "Remove HTML" tags is selected. Also make sure that the Input is set for "Body Content".
Run the test and wait for the green checkmark to pop up
STEP 2: Message My AI in Personal AI (3.2.0)
Make sure "Message my AI" is selected under the "App and Event" section.
Under the "Account" section, you will need to paste your AI's API key to connect your personal AI account. The API key can be found under the user settings in your personal.ai app. (Click on the picture on the top left and select "Settings")
The "Action" step should already have some of the settings that you will need, depending on Gmail or Outlook. Here we identify the sender and the message we will be responding to (which is under the Message Sender and conversation ID)
Under the AI Domain Name you can specify which channel or persona you want the messages to go to. To do this, copy and paste the domain name of the persona or channel neglecting the "personal.ai" part of the domain name (only the name of the channel/persona separated by dashes). You can also select "Yes or No" under the "Add to Memory" section if you want the emails to be automatically added to your memory. Leave this option under "No" if you plan to modify your drafted emails before sending them.
Run the Test. This will only test the "message my AI function", wait for the green check mark.
STEP 3: Create Draft Email
This step allows your Outlook or Gmail to then create a drafted email from the message your AI generated in respond to the trigger we created.
First choose your event under "App and Event" or leave it as "Create drafted email".
Under the "Account" section, log in to your email again. It should already have your account under the dropdown arrow.
Under the "Action" step, you should see the email information for the most recent flagged or starred email (who it was from, what the subject line says, etc.). Click continue.
Run the Test. The test should automatically create a draft response in your email inbox to the latest email you have flagged or starred. You can also view the response your AI gave in your channel.
Finally, once the tests are working on Zapier and you see green check marks next to each step, click on the "Publish" button. This will finish integrating your email with your AI and set forth the new feature we created.
Your AI will now automatically draft emails to messages based on the trigger you chose (starring/flagging emails).
To test the process after publishing, trying activating your trigger (star or flag an email). In just seconds, you should see a drafted email created by your AI!
Last updated